Friday, March 18, 2011

Fashion Show-Rock the Runway

Hey everybody. Today I went to a fashion show at my University that's held every spring called Rock the Runway. The last time I went the theme was Woodstock and the clothes were so amazing. This time the show fell REALLY flat. Majority of the pieces were either creme, white, black, or gray. What makes that so sad is the theme for this years show was Vanetian Carnival. You should get so much inspiration from Venice, Italy! I just think alot of the student designers didn't do enough research. Next year I think I want to participate as a desinger (I wish I could have designed for the theme Venetian Carnival, that is so up my alley).

Well doors opened at 7 but I got there at like 7:20 (being gal takes time and since this was a fashion show rushing my look was not an option). It was like 65 degrees today so I got to wear shorts and some of my new spring stuff with not coat or jacket \(o^o^o)/ I'll post what I wore in a seperate post because I did ALOT of camera whoring. I got a pretty decent seat but the people around me had huge heads blocking my camera which by the way sucks BAD. I'm going to hopefully get a new really nice camera, one of the big ones that screams "I'm a photographer" XD.

Anyway the male MC for the show started to chit chat with the crowd and get everyone excited, then he started asking who wants to rock the runway. Usually I'll sit quietly because getting on a stage in a room full of people is something I don't do often. However being so dolled up in such an unsual fashion style I decided to do it. This is also why I need new gal friends that like doing stuff like going to fashion shows. I walked but there was no one to take my picture so I could post it here TT.TT. The MC pointed out my foxtail when I was walking......NO ONE wears them here in Ohio so its odd to most. He asked me my name and where I'm from and what does fashion mean to me and I said it's a lifestyle. Which for me it is, I wished he would have asked what did I mean by that so I can blab about gal and that goes into it but he didn't.

I am happy that I walked he run way because afterwards a designer stopped me and got my contact info. She putting together a show and wants me to model in it. She also liked my style and my Hello Kitty/Spongebob nails and was surprised to find out I did them myself.

Now for the show. It started off with an intro vid of  student programming brainstorming ideas for this years rock the runway (jokingly of course) some themes were elephant zombies, Star Trek, and because the world's biggest Harry Potter fan (this is the honest truth according to Guiness World Records) goes to our school Harry Potter was also suggested. There were other wacky ideas (accompanied by amusing day dream cut scenes) but it ended with someone sliding a top secret folder uner the door with a mardi gras mask inside, thus Venectian Carnival was born.

The the female MC came out (she had on a pretty red dress but I so saw in the dress that day at 3:30 when I was at the post office). She said what was going on and introduced the judges (two mean who started Columbus fashion week, a woman from Cleveland who became a celebrity stylist, and a drag queen (yay)).

Best thing about the show was the music some music majors produced. I got their contact info so I could get samples to post on my blog  ;)

The models this year where horrendous. There was like 3 or 4 good ones but everyone else either walked too fast (and too timid), like man, or they just looked uncomfortable. One girl had this weird dracula walk. I'm not a mean girl but I just had to be honest about the models. They were pretty though! And one model that was dressed female and in super cute high heels was actually a guy! I didn't like much of th clothes but I tried taking pics of what caught my eye:

 The stage, and art student painted the back drop herself.

 Me snapping myself waiting for the show to start.

 One of the three finalist.
 One of the three finalist. That skirt scared me, it made out of a bunch of wires that form a cage, the model was not hurt.

 There were supposed to be two winners, one chosen by the judges and an audience choice except this collection designed by Will Riddle won BOTH! I didn't a tet a voe for him because I figured he'd win, I voted for the girl who line was more Carribean carnival (she missed the mark for the theme but her clothes were still better than the ones who knew what Venetian carnival was)

This was one of the three finalist collections, the girl in the middle has one that HUGE skirt.

One of the girls from the winning collection. The judges asked how'd he make there mask. Apparently his sister is a competive ballroom dancer and he learned the trick from her. It's face paint and he used eyelash glue to stick on the Swarovski crystals. He also bought shoes and glued on swarovski crytals (didn't get a pic) and apprently Danyel Vasquez (the drag queen judge) pointed out they looked excatly like a pair of $1200 Louis Vuitton shoes (the guy paid like 20 for the shoes on sale though).

There was some random panda and an an Asian lady promoting the Asian Festival in my home town (Cleveland) so going to it, I think it will be during spring break.
When you got your wrist band they gave everyone a cute little plastic Venetian Carnival mask, I wish I got one with feathers (-_-)
My wrist band which says Rock the Runway.
So this is the program with all the designers and their collections names and the ticket as well. Very pretty.

Here goes some pics of Venetian Carnival clothing and mask if you don't know what it is:

 Isn't everything so earth shatteringly beautiful. I so want to live in Italy oneday, it's the most romatic place on earth to me. I'm also thinking if and when I get married, my wedding theme will be Venetician Carnival. Here's an interesting fact. The reason for the mask in such was to hide identity so that people of different social classes could interact with one another. I find that funny because if the whole world went blind and didn't have apperences to go off I bet they'd be friends with people they never would have made friends with if they could see.
Me in a Spencer with a V for Vendetta mask on....I love much I wish he were real.....and would marry me.